Scottish National War Memorial

Website coding, e-commerce & design
The Scottish National War Memorial, based inside Edinburgh Castle, commemorates hundreds of thousands of casualties in conflict from the First World War onwards.
Opened in 1927, it contains books listing the names of those on the Roll of Honour, with names continuing to be added to this day.
We’d worked with the Memorial since 2013, taking over a previous website and enhancing it. It was starting to show its age and the small team were keen for a new-look site that made better use of imagery and was more of a shop window to encourage visitors.
A key feature of the site is the ability to search the Roll of Honour and then order an extract from it, and the team were also keen that this functionality be enhanced and the payment system be made more straightforward.
It was also important to promote a donations platform within the site, giving it prominence within the design.
Visit this siteWhat we did
We worked to build a striking new image-based design, using large images for the headers of pages and allowing these to also be used within content.
The site’s header remains in place when the user scrolls, allowing for quick navigation between different sections.
A pre-existing news section was updated to be image-led, too, with the intention of new items being added regularly. This features within the front page as well as its own, dedicated section.
We updated the site’s existing e-commerce system to support payments via Stripe, allowing users to make a direct payment with their credit/debit card or Apple or Google Pay as opposed to needing to use PayPal to do this.