Rape Crisis Scotland
Website build & coding
We have been working with Rape Crisis Scotland for a number of years and are delighted to play a small part in supporting their invaluable work.
We first won a tender to redesign and redevelop the website for Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis (as it is now) – we have loved working with the team there over the years and it led to us working with lots of other rape and sexual abuse centres across Scotland.
We were approached by Rape Crisis Scotland in 2017 ago to help them with their website as they had heard how easy our content management system was to use. We ported the back end of their website on to our system and trained the staff in how to update it. It made a huge difference to the workload meaning staff members were able to update the website with ease.
In 2021, it was time for a complete revamp of the Rape Crisis Scotland site. Jo Harrison was commissioned to provide artwork and design for the new look site and we were invited in to ensure a smooth transition from design to working website. After all it is no use having a site that looks good if you can't use it!
Visit this siteWhat we did
We took the design elements that had been produced for the refreshed site and turned these into working versions. We also helped with loading up the initial content to ensure that everything looked as good as possible and was easy to find.
A key element was ensuring that elements such as downloadable resources, which have been carefully designed, were shown to the best possible effect. We customised our system’s Resources management area to display large thumbnails of these in a really attractive grid layout.
Since the site was built we have continued to work with the team at RCS on additional developments. One key area we’re currently undertaking is the addition of a login area for staff and volunteers at rape crisis centres across the country, which will allow them to verify their compliance with service standards and to access and share a huge amount of useful resources and documents, as well as discussing these and finding key contact information.